I had sort of a daydream vision into the future yesterday, where as successive administrations added two or three justices to the Supreme Court to regain control, by the year 2100 there were more than 100 Supreme Court justices. I think we should be very cautious about politicizing the court even worse than it is already. …
On a story about avalanche clearing: Just a suggestion. When you say 30 feet of snow, I assume that means depth. It is just as important to say how wide the avalanche is. Years ago I drove through a single lane plowed through avalanche snow in Thompson Pass near Valdez. The depth was a little bit higher than my pickup truck. However, I set my odometer as I entered the area to check and it turned out that avalanche was more than three MILEs wide. That is just as much if not more of a consideration than depth and affected how long it took to clear Hatcher Pass.
With all the whining, denying, memory loss, insults, fist shaking, threats and counter suits maybe if all the invaders at the Capitol January 6, 2021, and those who supported their supposed movement ought to take a lesson from Nathan Hale on devotion to a cause.
Almost daily since I entered Facebook some 15 years ago each of the items in the list below has been mentioned. So far not much has been done about any of them., (With the exception of a half-assed move on mass shootings forced by a couple of particularly violent ones in June 2022.)
Originally posted April 13, 2022
Expanding Social Security
Universal Medicare
Forgive college loans
Legalize marijuana and release those in prison for possession
Tax the Rich.
Address school shootings
Cut drug prices
Abortion at issue
Accomplished? Not one of them.
Time to shut up and do something!
When you spent more than $100 at the grocery store but can't think of anything you want for dinner.
Holy mackral. You never stop learning. For some reason (probably ignorance) I always thought the Danube flowed north. This upsets my whole world view! I may have been dancing the Blue Danube waltz backward. (Or upside down)
When a facebook post highlights something that happened in your high school 42 years ago and you graduated 20 years before that …
Only in Alaska: I received an email this monring hyping a Mother's Day Special. From the makers of Stihl chainsaws.
Aimed at our precious junior senator on his mansplaining why he voted not to confirm Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court: Look who's proud of himself for another NO vote and still looking for a VP nod in 2024. Mansplain all you want, Dan, but we know who you are. You voted yes on a drunken whiner and no on someone who might be the most qualified to be sitting on that bench.
From this distance it is much easier to deal with the Russian invasion. But thiink for a minute about an elderly Ukrainian woman this morning telling a Reuters reporter how she had to deal with the mutilation and death of her husband. At the end she said they had to "bury him as deep as possible and quickly so the dogs wouldn't eat him."
I would in no way condone Will Smith's action at the Oscars, but I have to wonder why we give Chris Rock a pass despite his totally tasteless "joke" and the sort of vicious way he delivered it despite knowing from previous experience it was a sensitive subject. I've often wondered why we let comedians get away with outrageous insults for the sake of a joke. I could have slapped one a time or two and the jokes didn't attack me personally. Freedom of speech does not forbid consequences.
Persevere is the new persist.
All right , that's probably enough. Don't comoplain. I resisted posting any of the memes I save over time. Except this one: