
Friday, August 1, 2008

Summer was yesterday

It turned out I was right Tuesday morning about the fog burning off and the sun coming out. Later in the day the temperature actually rose above 70. Alaska, at least this part of it, was blessed with a beautiful summer day. Most of that new snow even disappeared off the mountain. Wednesday it clouded over, cooled down and we were back into, well -- years ago some wag described the Alaska climate as 9 months of winter and 3 months of damned late in the fall -- damned late in the fall. Thursday morning it hadn't started raining but at 5:45 a.m. the Solitary Man was on the trail. He always carries a back pack and it looked full, with even a sleeping bag rolled up and strapped on top. Maybe he doesn't leave anything in the woods and has to set up camp every night. Where he lives is fairly well protected by geography from other people and even from bears, but i guess it never hurts to be careful.

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