
Monday, September 15, 2008

Oh, no, SWANS!

Since she was old enough to understand them, my daughter and I have been going to movies together. Though we often disagree on interpretations, our tastes in general are alike. When you watch movies with someone for that long, you develop a string of communication, sometimes with nothing said. One thing we always agreed on was swans. We knew if we saw swans in a movie somebody was going to get kissed.

The minute swans appeared, there would be a hushed:

“Oh no, SWANS!”


“Oh, yuck”

“Hide your eyes.”

Then it would degenerate into uncontrollable laughter at our insight into American film.

Why did that thought come up? The swans came back to the pond yesterday: three of them all clean and white swimming among the bronzed lily pads. They usually stay until freezeup.

I looked around, but, nope, nobody to kiss.

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