
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Little boy blue and the man in the moon

Interesting moon these nights, a crescent approaching the half, low toward the horizon during the drive home. It is one of those crescents that seems to have a face on the surface of the concave curve. It looks kind of like a wedge of cantaloupe with the seeds still there. Only the colors are different. Outer part of the wedge is a brilliant yellow gold, but the inner part where the seeds or the face would be, the color is a muted silver -- making a two-toned moon and probably the inspiration for the poets and songwriters of the world. If I had a longer lens I would be out there with a tripod trying to take a picture but for now just have to preserve the image in my mind -- that two-tone cantaloupe moon low in the western sky visible through the openings between the dark spruce trees in the yard. "We'll get together soon …"

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