
Saturday, June 27, 2009

Anchorage and farewell

The cousins are safely on the airplane now (I think). We spent the last day in Anchorage, went to the Native Heritage Center and then split up with Ariel and Celeste shopping and Aaron and I drove around the city looking at things I thought he would find interesting. Among them, and after driving all over the place in Alaska, we came upon a moose just eating grass by the roadside in the city. So much for wilderness experience. We looked at the place where the 1964 earthquake did so much damage and then to Potter Marsh, a wildlife sanctuary on the south end of the city. After that it was dinner at Simon & Seafort's with Ariel's mother. Then the kids went out to boogie and the old man, who had hit the wall by then, went home. They spent the night at Ariel's in the city and she was supposed to get them to the airport this morning. And so ends the great Alaska Invasion of 2009. Hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. Fare well.


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