
Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 2 or is it 3?

Celeste and Aaron took the shuttle bus into the park yesterday. They went 60 miles in to what is called Eielson Visitor Center. They hiked around there for a while and then rode part way out and went down a trail along the Savage River looking for the place where a friend of mine said they would find Dall Sheep, but no luck. But, then, they didn't see a bear either so it's all good. They did see caribou, sheep way off in the distance, moose, golden eagles and the state bird willow ptarmigan. Northern harrier, also. They got back about 7 and we had copper river red salmon for dinner (the picture in yesterday's post.) Today we are up and moving at 9 and heading for Talkeetna where we will take a river boat and a hike to my cabin. (Down the right hand column here is a gallery of the cabin. It's the one called "At the East Pole") Out Tuesday and off to Valdez.

Here is a link to a photo gallery of the trip

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