
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

DAY 5, They survived the sea voyage

Celeste, Aaron, Ariel and Justin took a seven-hour boat tour in Prince William Sound to Columbia Glacier and back. They saw in addition to a lot of ice, bald eagles, sea lions, Dall porpoises, humpback whales, sea otters, harbor seals, surf scoters (another quiz word) oh, and puffins, and marbled murrlettes, cormorants. And then Chuck Norris showed up and things got really crazy. Picked up a recipe for Russian tea. There was a little person on the boat. A lot of chatting among all the relatives, they played some game on their iPods. Aaron played a bunch of Drop 7. All the iPod batteries ran out. Ariel and Justin who have worked on these boats for years (I did too) they could anticipate the captain's spiel much to their own amusement. More will be added later I am sure.


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