
Friday, June 19, 2009

Day Zero becomes Day Zero minus

Flight out of Buffalo cancelled due to thunderstorms. We have cancelations for things like earthquakes, volcanos and snow and ice, but never thunderstorms. At any rate, tomorrow is now Day Zero. The good side is the invaders arrive early enough in the day to still make our run to Denali National Park, so it's all good. First Alaska lesson: Don't fight the weather. Do what it allows.


  1. update by Invader A: Statis report.
    Alaska Conquer delayed due to reports of "cloudy w/ a chance of doom."

    Am I correct in the understanding that there is a list of things I am not aloud to do?!!
    1. No wrestling bears. Except stuffed one in airport.
    2. No surfing on top of the RV.
    3. No stairing Moose in the eyes. (huh?)
    4. No wrestling moose.
    5. No trying to swim to Russia. Even if I think I can see it for the cabin.
    6. No talking politics.
    7. No thinking it's true just because I seen it on "Northern Exposure".
    8. No thinking I can do it 'cause the servival guy on TV did.
    9. No it's not "the deadlyist catch" w/ salmon.
    10. No wrestling salmon

    See you soon.

  2. You can wrestle all the salmon you can catch
