
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Later that same day (4)

After a drive of 300 miles and Ariel joining us the intrepid travelers made it to tidewater at Valdez, arriving about 9 p.m. Justin joined us for a chinese dinner and Celeste got her sushi at last. All parties tired, but ready for the boat trip tomorrow (Wednesday) Sure to be more pictures then. Meanwhile here we are in Alaska with all of its wonders and everyone is playing with iPhones. So it goes.

A bit of explanation about the previous two days. Monday we climbed onto a jet powered river boat and rode the 12 miles up the Talkeetna River to a landing on a beach about a mile from the cabin. We hiked to the cabin and spent the night. (Whatever Aaron said about Uno is absolutely untrue.) It rained all night and when we had to hike the mile back to the riverboat, the trail had turned to mud. Celeste managed to stay upright but Aaron slipped and fell twice and I did it once, managing to plug the barrel of my rifle with mud. Good thing we didn't run into a bear then. You have to hear it to believe it -- them walking down the trail, their bear bells jingling with every step. (There is a joke in Alaska on how to tell the difference between black bear and grizzly bear scat. Black bear will have berries in it; grizzly will have bells.) We got to the landing right on time with about a minute to spare and 10 minutes later the boat came around the bend to pick us up. About half an hour later we were on land again in Talkeetna and on the road to Valdez, which leads to the first paragraph of this post. For a look at the cabin there is a gallery down the right side column of this page (the one called "At the East Pole") And a few pictures in the trip gallery. The picture on the post just below this one is Aaron waiting on the river bank for the boat to pick us up.

Photo gallery

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