
Thursday, July 2, 2009


All right, I have tried to live in harmony with nature, live and let live and work around any animals in the neighborhood, with the exception of a few arachnids and other assorted bugs on one type or another. But, now they have gone too far and it is one step short of all out war, and that step can be taken if this keeps up. I have a wonderful strawberry plant in my little flower garden. Something, and i think it was one of the squirrels, ate the first two ripe berries. This is unacceptable. So the first step has been taken: A sentry posted. It already chased one of them away. Although owl statues in harbors end up with gulls standing on them or worse. The next step will be a frame and netting. If that fails the live traps come out and those squirrels are on their way to the river. We shall see. In the meantime i saved two strawberries... my first crop.

The garden evolution

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