
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Rush to judgment

The newer solitary man hasn't disappeared quite yet. Maybe he had to go get gas or something. Anyway he was back yesterday but in a different place... this time in a pullout parking spot, the last one before you get on the highway, or so I thought. On the way home last night he had pulled even closer to the highway and was parked on the shoulder just before the on ramp, stove pipe smoking and at 1 in the morning obviously spending the night. It will be interesting to see where he is today or if he has finally hit the highway.

Fall is edging much closer to winter these days and there have been strange doings. For one, the large group of swans stayed only one day. In past years they have lingered for as long as a week. The nesting pair that stays showed up a few days later again but they too have now gone on. They have stayed until freezeup in previous years. Leaves have lingered longer on the trees and there are still fully yellow trees around the house. Yesterday I got the garden ready for winter. A friend told me and another confirmed it works to put down newspaper and then cover it with mulch so I did. Supposedly no weeds show up in the spring. I raked up all the leaves nearby and covered the newspaper with them. Today there are that many leaves and more right where I raked yesterday. No more raking until the trees are bare. Might as well do it just once. So, anyway, the garden is ready, the swans are gone, leaves are falling, the newer solitary man is inching closer to the highway winter equipment is in both cars, temperatures now in the 30s at night and the stove is cleaned and ready for cold. Oh, and get this: Snuggies are on sale at Walmart. Still to be learned is how an Insight functions in cold and snow.

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