
Monday, November 9, 2009

He Lives!

Driving to work on a dismal gray day, snow in the forecast and obviously threatening... memory music playing, the kind that gives you that warm, sad feeling. It had been kind of a low weekend anyway and it all seemed to fit. And then I saw a figure walking the bike path across the four-lane. It took a moment to register. Then in the fleeting of passage at 62 mph, I recognized the wide-brimmed hat, the blue denim jacket, the long gray beard -- the Solitary Man. He was walking away from the town toward where he would cross two lanes of the highway to his island. That lifted my spirits. So great to see him, know he’s alive and still trudging that trail and still wondering what goes on in that solitary life. Immediately I felt a smile, a happy song came up and it just made the day a whole lot better. By night and time to go home, it had snowed about three inches and still falling. This was the first time in snow with the Honda. There was enough snow falling to be blinding especially when another car passed and blew up a bunch of it. Went home slowly then messed around a little after I got off the main highway and it seemed to handle the snow just fine. Paddle shifters help. With seven gears there is a lot of control so the car might be all right. Now if the huge battery doesn't freeze at 30 below everything will be just fine.

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