
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Time has come, the walrus said

If you click that little Alaska flag to the right under the "What's going on here" headline you get the Weather Underground weather conditions for the area around the East Pole. I delved a little deeper into the site today and found weather warnings. On a map of Alaska it shows high wind warnings. Southeastern has them, but for the rest of the state there is only one little spot of blue indicating high winds. Guess where? Rat cheer. And, boy is it howling out. Tools hanging from a rack on the side of the house are banging, trees are swaying, pretty good storm all in all. On a brighter note, heavy snow predicted for the East Pole, 10 to 20 inches in the next 24 hours. That might not be so much fun while it's happening or until the cleanup is complete, but in the long view it means snow on the trail and time is close for snowmachine trips to the cabin. Woo hoo. I have two more weekends of remodeling and then watch out.

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