
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sunday, sun day, son day

Driving home yesterday I went by this pasture in town. With the light and the hoar frost I said if the weather was the same I would come back today and it was, and for once i actually did one of those things I said I would. In one of the pictures you can even see the cattle. Beautiful clear days this time of year Driving back home I rolled back into the shadow of Pioneer Peak. Don't know what it is about me and living on the north side of things but I seem to do it a lot. The sun goes behind the hill for a couple of months at the East Pole, too. There it comes back January 14. That's an easy day to remember. Besides the day the sun shines again at the East Pole, it is also the day my son was born, AND, that was a Sunday. So, now the title is explained.

I went to see "The Book of Eli" later. A good movie. I have always liked the more realistic of the apocalypse movies and this one has a good plot with a surprise ending. Denzel Washington was, well, Denzel Washington, very good in the part. And little Mila Kunis, so good, and has come so far from Jackie Burkhart in Point Place.

Driving home under a clear sky and half a moon I came across a couple of moose in the road. A cow and a young bull. At the honk of a horn, the cow went over the guard rail and into the boonies, but the bull was too stupid to jump and I kind of had to slowly chase him honking the horn for a couple of hundred yards. I learned a couple of years ago not to try to pass them. One night i tried to pass a young bull but when I got next to him he put his head down and tried to bull into me. Knocked off my side view mirror and knocked himself silly. All survived though, but I stayed behind this guy and gave him lots of room to find a way off the road.

The rest of the pictures

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