
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Winter's kiss

Most often January is the coldest month. It seems for two or three weeks in January the temperatures go to the deepest all winter often down into the minus 30s. This winter not so much but we had a touch of it. At the same time the skies are clear and the sun shines brightly but there is no warmth in it. You look at the clear sky and the bright sun and have to wonder why there is no warmth from all that gaseous fire. Folks in McGrath had a term for it: When I was there one winter during this period they looked at the sky and called it "severe clear." Then as the days grow longer moving into February it changes. Right now we already have 8 hours and 22 minutes of daylight. At this point the sun hits the house but it rises and sets twice. Morning sun comes through the trees but then it goes behind the mountain only to rise sideways again in the afternoon. And, as all this happens there is one day in February different from the others. One day outdoors or maybe driving, at a pause you feel the first touch of warmth on some bit of exposed skin. I have most often felt it on my cheek. It tells you there indeed is warmth in that sun and that little warm kiss tells you there is an end to winter and all that's needed is patience. It is like that first little kiss of blossoming love. It holds that much promise. Today was that day. On the way to work with the sun shining through the side window of the car, it touched my cheek and I felt its warmth, felt that winter kiss and it puts a little spring in the step with all the promise it holds. This is something I have never mentioned to anyone before but I was describing it to a couple of people at work and one fellow said, "yes, I felt it too. I was out blowing snow off the driveway and had to make a phone call and when I stopped I felt it." It's nice to have confirmation. So, there it is. Maybe it should be expressed in a poem but that form escapes me these days. Having felt it was enough.

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