
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Driver training

Talk about an obstacle course, last night driving home was like one of those layouts with a series of pylons you have to drive around, only these moved, slowly, but they moved, well, some of them moved. The porcupine bloom was late this year but it is in full flower now. In a distance of about 8 miles had to drive around three dead ones and another four alive and moving back and forth across the center line. They wobble and move so slowly, you have no idea which direction they might head into and dodging them becomes a guessing game. Every one I saw alive was still alive after I passed so, it's all good.

That said, today was the final planting and I now have the start of yet another flower garden. Sparse like last year but I kind of like knowing individual plants without losing them in a bunch. Some new varieties this year too, so we shall see how well they do.

So, I guess that pretty much has summer under way. Gathering up stuff and orcanizing for the wedding in a little more than two weeks. You have to love a venue where the operator keeps a shotgun by the door in case the occasional bear walks into the reception. A jokester said it should be white if the wedding is formal. I suggested white was all right but only between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Ramble on and ramble on.

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