
Monday, June 14, 2010

The long, lonesome driveway

Yesterday my Jeep broke down in Anchorage and a friend drove me home from work last night. Among the things from the Jeep I brought home was the face plate from the stereo I just installed, the kind you can take out to prevent theft, since I was leaving the vehicle in the parking lot at work.
As I was walking up the driveway with the faceplate in hand, it hit me. I had done this before. When I was a kid I had a classy Blaupunkt radio. It was portable but came with a rack and plug-in you could install in a car and have a car radio as well as a portable, beach radio. Over the course of the next few years, no fewer than three times, I had to walk up the driveway carrying the radio, having had to leave the car it had been attached to in the ditch where I crashed, or the accident scene or whatever might have caused them to become separated. Some of that life went by in a blur and I forget a lot of details, but I do remember vividly those walks up the driveway and having to explain to unsympathetic parents what had happened to the car this time. And those difficult walks carrying the heavy radio came to the fore last night as I trudged up this driveway with that fancy new stereo face plate. It was much lighter than the Blaupunkt but in a way it carried the same weight and I had to laugh at how things change but not really.
At least last night I didn’t have to explain anything to anybody.

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