
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Getting ready

Just a little progress report. Yesterday watched the Potomac motor past. In its heyday it was Franklin Delano Roosevelt's presidential yacht. We are tied to the dock but getting closer by the hour. Maybe on tomorrow's ebb tide. We go out under that Golden Gate Bridge. Best part so far is my son has been invited to join the crew. He will be here in the morning. This is such an opportunity for him. And such an adventure. I am thrilled.
Carhartt sailors rule!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. So thrilled that Justin will be joining you on this adventure. It is a rare opportunity for a father & son to bond in a very unique situation. He'll carry these memories for the rest of his life. It seemed strange to note your location - you're actually in California too...just a little south.
