
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Half a moon is better than none

It's been so overcast lately, it's difficult to tell where we are on the way into winter darkness, but we are for sure in a race to the equinox. Even though it's only a little more than a month from the solstice it has been very dark with the overcast lately. So, what a nice surprise tonight to pull out onto the highway out of Anchorage and see a huge bright half moon hanging over the Chugach to the east. And given the clear sky that allowed the sight, to the west the sky was light blue with a rosy hue as it turned into darkness to the east I chased that half moon all the way home and not really sure whether it is waxing or waning, I chose waxing which will mean the first few days on the big ocean will be under a full moon. Life at sea doesn't get much better than that. By by by the light ...

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