
Friday, December 10, 2010

Marketing, the new order

My episodes with chainsaws continue. Here's the way to do business these days, I guess, at least you get one sale out of it but I am not so committed to this brand that I would ever buy another one. In early October I wrote about some problems with a chainsaw. One of the problems was the operator's manual was soaked with grease. On the company's website, there were directions to e-mail them if you needed a part or anything. I followed the directions exactly, but now in early December I had not heard back from them. Until today. Today I received an e-mail pointing out all the Husqvarna products that would make perfect gifts for Christmas. There is no other way that company got my e-mail address on their list except from my request for the manual. How sweet of them. There are other reasons, too, but this cemented the deal. Husqvarna will never get another cent of my money. And, I will spread the word as I am now. You don't want to mess with Alaskans and their chainsaws.

Now, sweetheart, if you are still out there somewhere, PLEASE send a picture of that saw.

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