
Friday, January 14, 2011

They can't take Serenity

At 15 degrees Fahrenheit, a fifty mile an hour wind hits you like cold steel pellets. It gives meaning to wind chill, much more so than those weak stuff weather folks on TV using wind chill to inflate the numbers so the temperature sounds more severe than it really is. Hunched against it in the Walmart parking lot I didn’t even see my prescription go flying out of my cart and never missed that little bag until I got home 20 miles away. Fortunately Walmart called, it seems one good citizen found it and returned it to the pharmacy counter. Thank you to an unknown but great Alaskan.

It has been that way around here. Fifteen and blowing 50 in the Governor Interrupted's town, but 5 below and calm here. The other night it was 7 when I left work, 31 where I turned onto the blue highway, 28 when I crossed the river but two miles farther on at the house, 5, stinking 5 degrees and just 10 miles away, 31. How deep is my hole.

It has all driven me to this: wood stove going and almost 90 in the house, starting Firefly at the beginning: take my love, take my land. take me where I cannot stand, I don’t care, I’m still free, they can’t take the sky from me ....

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