
Monday, February 14, 2011

Brightness yields clues but no solution

I left for work yesterday over a clean blanket of snow in the driveway. When I returned in the dark, there appeared to be more tracks in the yard than there should have been. Just at the doorstep were two footprints even and next to each other, much smaller than mine(they were about 2/3 the length of mine) and with pointy toes. Definitely not mine. In the dark and being tired I waited until morning to investigate. A vehicle with wider tires than mine, probably a pickup, had pulled in sometime yesterday. Unless it backed in, the driver did not get out, only a passenger with those pointy shoes who walked to the doorstep and apparently stood there but did not go up on the porch. Very curious. Oddly I could not find tracks of those pointy boots leading away from the step. But there was quite a mix of my own tracks in that area from when I went to work and returned. Obviously these were not the causes of the light going on the night before, but now a new element has been added. Perhaps all this mystery can be grown into a story. We shall see. Meanwhile there have been lots of visitors today.

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