
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It’s comin’ by gum …

Phrase popped into mind today, a line from a song sung probably in junior high school. Is this that long-term memory we hear so much about? Anyway, it is. Signs of spring. I’ve never been one to want to hurry spring along, mostly because these days March is the absolute best month at the East Pole. It gets cold enough at night to keep the snow and the creeks frozen and the compacting of the snowpack plus a hard freeze on the surface at night lets you go anywhere you want until it warms up by early afternoon.

On a bright sunny day, which there seem to be many of in March, on the west-facing deck, the temperature can rise to 70 degrees, t-shirt and beer weather. It stays that way until the sun disappears behind a tree and then drops to 30 again.

So, signs of spring. Yes. It’s becoming more difficult to sleep late into the morning and I find myself waking up earlier and staying up because of light coming in. Then there’s the height of the sun. Just a week or so ago I needed sunglasses and the windshield visor because I had to drive straight into the sun which was low enough in the sky to shine directly into the car during the commute. Now the sun is high enough in the sky so I don’t need the visor anymore because it is above the top of the windshield.

Can winter’s kiss goodbye be far away?

And the woodpecker was back at the feeder when I walked out into the blaze of pixie dust yesterday. Seems like all is right with the natural order of things. Biorhythms, don’t you know. If only the human relations were as much in synch.

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