
Friday, February 11, 2011

Now here's a surprise

It seems to be a day for finding interesting things on the Internet. Today was the release date for a new Lady Gaga song, first one in more than a year, I think. The first thing i did when i reached lucidity this morning was buy it on iTunes. As of 6 p.m. I still haven't listened to it. There is this fear I won't like it and a whole slew of disappointments could build on that. But after finishing income tax, for some mental relaxation, I went searching to see how it had done today and what people were saying about it. Now comes the surprise. Far be it from me to land on a site about religious faith, and far be it at least in my mind, for the religious community to find anything positive in Lady Gaga. But, here it is: Our Lady of Gaga?
Though some of what the writer says is a bit of a stretch, her main message rings true from what I have learned about the singer. I am not sure if this makes me more or less interested in listening to the new song. But the message resonates: "Born This Way."

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