
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Curiouser and curiouser

High winds, a clear sky and faded northern lights made for an ethereal drive home and a new perspective on a lingering mystery. Yes, another. Just think if these could be strung together we might have another Lake of the Coherees on our hands. (Obscure literary reference). Along the road in several areas there are serious guard rails for keeping errant drivers on the road instead of off in the pucker brush. And here and there are the wounds where they have done there job. But one of those dents in the horizontal corrugation is puzzling. It makes sense that metal bent by a vehicle leaving the road would be bent and crimped away from it, concave from the road side if you will. However one lengthy bend is convex from the road side as if some sort of vehicle came roaring up the bank and hit the rail from the off-road side. It is bent toward the road and at the top of a fairly long and steep embankment that rises out of a muskeg sort of swampy area. Now how did that happen? And for that matter how is it related to pixie dust, strange footprints left by a woman or a small cowboy and lights coming on for no apparent reason. Looking now for a rabbit hole. Perhaps a looking glass will provide that insightful perspective.

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