
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Diversity? I don’t think so.

So, the company I work for allows employees one day a year to celebrate their diversity. Loosely based off the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday it supposedly allows employees to take a day to celebrate whatever their ethnicity or religion honors to recognize their particular brand of diversification. Given the life I have lived, that I am living, and the one I want to live, it seems to me every day is a diversity day. Being a Jones which means ethnicity is not an option and not being particularly religious, choosing a day has been a bit difficult. As the natural order of things is what brings out what spirituality I may possess, I usually look at the solstices or the equinoxes, planning if asked to answer that I am a Druid and pray to Stonehenge at the passing of each of the events in the solar year. I usually prefer the Spring Equinox as that is when weather is perfect for dancing around the East Pole. Such was the case this year and for some time I have been planning a spring expotition to the Pole to celebrate my diversity over a three-day weekend. However, as I write this I already should have been there by now, warming up the cabin. But something so undiverse as a cold has prevented that trip. I NEVER get sick, that also is my diversity, but here I am laid up writing about diversity instead of out there being diverse. It is the clear, warm days and clear cold nights that make this time of year at the Pole special, but I woke up today to a snowstorm, so there is some satisfaction that I am not missing my special Equinox weather. So, my lack of diversity is celebrated with a common cold and asking what exactly is diverse about a snowstorm in Alaska in March.

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