
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Just for balance

Don't you know. Realized it got a little heavy around here with a lot less Alaska and a lot more, well, other stuff. But, in my defense, there are interesting things outside Alaska. But, these two pictures are to bring us all back on task, subject and focus. Plus the real Iditarod starts today so there is that return to the subject.

And for the record, here is an Iditarod story. One time in the late 80s during an Iditarod race, I returned to the East Pole after some time away. I had heard a public radio station started in the area and while I was getting things in order, I found it on the radio and tuned it up. Then I went about the business of moving in again, keeping the fire going, hooking up the propane, unpacking, sweeping out the place. Radio was having some kind of a radio reader program and I didn't pay that much attention. It was barely in my consciousness as i was lost in thought putzing around my home. Still, every once in while something said on the radio sounded vaguely familiar and it stopped me for a minute, but nothing ever registered.

Finally a particular phrase caught my ear and I stopped to listen to the last half of what was a long paragraph and realized this sounded awfully familiar. I listened more intently and recognized every word and that was when the realization came over me. The first thing I heard on KTNA radio was someone reading MY book. WOW. Talk about a rush.

So anyway welcome back to Alaska with Attitude. The pictures are simply gratuitous.

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