
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Olfactory surprise

According to the directions that came with the fancy disposable greenhouse I bought by accident, once the plants have good leaves you cut back the weaker ones in each little cell. This is the one I put the peas in. So, I did that today and it was a bit of a surprise when after i had cut a few I caught the very distinct scent of fresh peas. Anyone who has ever shucked peas or had some garden fresh knows that scent, it is unmistakable. Maybe that is a good sign that in time there may be whole peas. At least it confirms the seeds I bought really are for peas. Now those plants can join the petunias outside during the day for the hardening process.

On other notes: A Canada goose was strolling along the main highway not far from where Fred used to hang out. Maybe he's back. Overhead Arctic terns were hovering on the Knik River tidal marshes. They may be mating or may be past it. Without a longer observation it's difficult to tell. They have such an interesting way of courting. Female will stand on a high spot, a piling or in this case electrical wires. Males come to her and hover in front of her the way terns can, flapping their wings rapidly. In their beaks they hold small fish in offering. I have seen a female actually refuse this offering by lifting her beak and turning to the side in a rejection that can only be called haughty. One time and too many beers ago we sat on the bow of the boat scoring the dives the terns made into the harbor for prey, giving them points from 1 to 10 the way an Olympic diving judge might. The Russian judge always low-balled them.

The pond is totally free of ice now and still no swans on it. It would seem the ones that fellow shot last summer belonged on this pond. What a despicable act.

The porcupine blossoming hasn't happened yet, and for some reason the moon didn't show last night on the whole drive home despite a clear sky with daylight and rose-colored horizon well after midnight. But, on the way to work today a porcupine beside the road.

And one more thing. Just to shatter the pastoral atmosphere. This started today, too. I love the sound of a high-rpm drag car running the quarter mile on a Sunday afternoon.

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