
Thursday, July 7, 2011


I suppose it is one of those laws of nature. Seems like when you don’t know what you are doing, you automatically assume you are doing it wrong. Good enough for me, is not a very professional way to achieve satisfaction.

So, last night I happened to edit the newspaper’s garden columnist. As the season goes on weekly he tells people what to expect in their gardens and what to do or what might be coming up, literally. One of last night's alerts went like this: “Peas: Harvest.” WHAT?????

I automatically went to those assumptions, not doing it right; what’s wrong with my plants; what am I dong wrong; what can I do to fix it at this point?

I have seen a few blossoms but harvest? I don’t think so. Also in the little garden outside the newspaper building there is a row of peas and they look so much healthier than mine. The stems are thicker and stronger and the leaves are huge compared with mine. I mentioned to my garden guru yesterday that I did have a few blossoms on my plants which, though taller, look scrawny next to those at the paper. She said you have to have blossoms before you have peas.

Today as I was raising the support wires for the pea plants for the second time and noticing quite a few blossoms, it hit me that I have always been looking at the tops of the plants and some time ago I had noticed blossoms closer to the bottoms. With that in mind I inspected down near the ground. Whoa, look what I found. (The first picture). I didn’t look at each plant but a quick survey found half a dozen of them. They aren’t ready to harvest yet, but they are much closer to the garden columnist’s schedule than expected.

I am guessing the time is coming to renew the squirrel war. Especially if that round green fruit on the other plant matures. Can you believe it? Tomatoes! Now we are talking. Checking the live trap too. But I am thinking maybe the local cats got most of them. I haven’t seen any lately but someone ate the bird feeder hanging in the tree, literally.... the top was chewed to the point it fell off and some of the perches had been knocked onto the ground. I may have a new animal. That feeder was there long before I got here.

Going back out now. No matter how I framed the photos, I couldn’t hide the weeds that need tending.

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