
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"…a hard rain's a gonna fall…"

Finally a little excitement lit up the drive home, literally, after what seems like weeks of mindless commuting. Along the blue highway under a seriously dark cloud with thick foliage leaning in to form the sides of a forbidding tunnel, a flash of lightening, horizontal all the way across the night sky as far as I could see in either direction. Bright and so close, I am sure I heard a little electronic crackling inside the car. Mind you, lightning around here is rare. In more than 35 years I might have seen lightning five or six times. Shortly after that blast the rain began falling harder than I have seen it since I have lived in this area. As I approached the bridge there was another flash, this one round and bright like the sun. I listened for thunder but didn't hear anything. The rain still fell thick as I left the car and walked to the door. Just as I put the key in the lock another flash, this one muffled and reflected as I never saw the actual lightning. Then a thunder clap so close and so loud and so sharp I almost jumped off the porch. I watched at the window for a while but the rain soon let up and no more flashes in the sky either.

Other things have been going on, and they will show up in time, but in light of the previous post, they seem trivial to me at this point.

" … so, where have you been my blue-eyed son …"

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