
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 4, 2011

So, what does a fellow do who wants to show a little patriotism when he works a swing shift on Independence Day? I know, get up early and go to a parade even if it means being tired at the most difficult part of the work night. Instead maybe he leaves the little high-mileage Japanese car at home and drives to and from work in a good old American-made Jeep, that icon of the American military in World War II. Of course, they weren't red then. And on the way to work, stop and pick up a bucket of chicken and a small cake for the rest of the hardy souls putting out a newspaper on a holiday, Then on the way home enjoy the fireworks at various spots along the way. Some folks still camping on the riverbank shooting them off as the Jeep crossed the bridge, All in all a pleasant Fourth, though I did look at the families camping and thought how pleasant that might be.

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