
Friday, August 26, 2011

Garden surprise

I did promise no more peas, but other things are happening. The larger picture at the top and the one on the left of the smaller ones are flowers that bloomed early on and then stood there being green for most of the summer. Then all of a sudden in the past week or so they filled out with all those flowers. That coincides with a period with lots of rain and not much sun. I might look for those again next year if I can figure out what they are. The little yellow flowers just popped up all over the place but I never planted them. I thought they were pansies left over from other years but in the places they are showing up I never had any pansies. Maybe weeds. The are shaped a bit like buttercups. The last picture is the east end of the garden that gets the most sun, big petunias, big new flowers and those weeds. The tomato plants are turning so I picked all the larger ones and brought them inside for ripening. Last but not least two more frozen boxes of those little green round things. Ant work, not on the scale of my niece's but ant work just the same. As yet no one has won the nickel. As a matter of fact no one has even entered the contest. It is still here and the contest is still ongoing to point out what might be different from the early garden pictures and those taken more recently. As always no one directly connected with ownership or habitation of this house is eligible to enter. Get those guesses in, this contest won't run forever. (Will it?)

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