
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A most peculiar sight

It has turned cold. Around zero yesterday and now minus 10. With open water on the river that generally means fog. In the river bed yesterday a single low white cloud of fog filled the basin from shore to shore and it looked like from the glacier to the ocean. The whole river appeared to be covered in pillows or one big one, anyway. It was quite a sight especially looking down on it from the elevation of the bridge, all white in the shades of gray world of winter. In another existence you might have been able to jump off the bridge and bounce in soft comfort.

And today? A grouse at the feeders, all puffed out for warmth.

And, discovered a difference between generations. I remember thinking I wished i had a camera with me. About five miles farther on I looked at the iPhone that was feeding Lady Gaga into my car stereo. Duh. Kidding about it at work we came to the conclusion that those older among us have a telephone that also can take pictures. Those younger have a camera and stereo that, oh, also is a telephone.

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