
Sunday, January 29, 2012

One amazing moon

Driving the old road home tonight, almost totally focused on the sides watching for moose, but with one eye on the little digital thermometer in the car, not particularly happy with it dropping about a degree per mile. The little photo shows the final talley, 29 below in the driveway. But before that.

Crossing the river, off to the south an unusual color. Not quite the last sliver of the moon just above the southwest horizon and bright flaming orange. Not the light orange of a cantaloupe moon, this was the orange that would do a Syracuse cheerleader proud. And, around the edges bright, fire engine red. Just amazing colors. Something you stare at until you are sure you are driving off the road. But I didn't The little camera in the phone wouldn't get it, but it was good enough so show one degree short of 30 below which it probably is by the time I am writing this.

We are well into the third full week of temperatures below zero and this is the coldest yet. Don't you just love global warming? Hey, I am convinced by the science that says it is happening but there are days that defy that belief. But then try to tell that to folks in Fairbanks where it is 50 below zero tonight.

This was sent to me last night by a friend. It is by that world famous poet Anonymous.


It's winter time in Alaska and the gentle breezes blow
Seventy miles an hour at thirty-five below.
Oh, how I love Alaska when the snow's up to your butt --
You take a breath of winter and your nose gets frozen shut.
Yes, the weather here is wonderful so I guess I'll hang around.
I could never leave Alaska. I'm frozen to the ground !

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