
Thursday, January 5, 2012

There IS a place I can be, since I found Serenity

First of all, welcome to the new year. Time to take another ride around the sun. This is a big one that includes a birthday with a zero in it, one I never expected to reach. But not only am I not a decrepit old man, I am ready to give this rock a good ride, ready to embrace that zero rather than fear it. And just 73 days until we reach the Equinox. Only one thing to clear up from the old year and it involves Christmas.

We have all passed those Salvation Army bell ringers, and even when you have just donated in one kettle, the next one encountered produces a bit of guilt and you walk by trying not to make eye contact. You really shouldn't have to, nor should you have to explain, "hey, I gave at the last one." But at one store I entered, the Army cheated. I noticed as walked in there were two gorgeous 20-somethings, smiling, laughing, ringing their bells and collecting money. I managed to get past them when a family stepped between us and I ducked into the store. But, the impression had already been made. Later as I was checking out, I asked for some extra cash back, in change. Then when I passed those women, I happily about filled their little kettle, not sure whether to feel good about making a sizeable donation, or embarrassed for the reason I did it. I just hope that doesn't catch on or next Christmas might break me. And the stores would have to prepare to give change all in one-dollar bills.

That said, yesterday marked the official entry into true January weather around here -- cold and clear. I noticed along the old highway in one section there were several moose tracks, but even more exciting was this was the first time in 2012 I had to wear shades driving into a blazing orange and red sunset. First time that happened since maybe September. You just have to smile recognizing the sun coming back already. And given that sunset, the mountains behind me lighted up with pink and purple alpenglow, all told a beautiful afternoon.

On the way home on a dark. clear moonlit night, I noticed what seemed to be more moose tracks in the same area where I saw them earlier. One grouping seemed to indicate a place where a moose had stepped on and off the road several times within a very short distance. Those are the things that make you look up and sure enough just down the road about to disappear around the next curve, there was a big old moose butt bouncing down the shoulder. I slowed down until I had almost caught up with it. Having learned the hard way not to try passing it on the roadway, when I approached it, I hit the horn instead and that worked as usual. The moose hopped off the road and trotted up into the pucker brush assuring one more safe passing.

So heading on through space for another orbit and this time decorated with shiny new signage that assures the viewer my Honda rocket was "Engineered by Firefly Coach Works." It seems to fit.

Take my love, take my land 

Take me where I cannot stand 

I don't care, I'm still free 

You can't take the sky from me

--Firefly theme song by Joss Whedon

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