
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

It's quiet out there. Yeah, too quiet

I know, I know, several days without a post. There are preoccupations but the muse has struck and a humdinger of a post coming soon. That's what the title threatens, like a quote from how many old western movies, that usually led to an attack at dawn an attack on your senses is in final mobilization stages. Brings back memories like wanting to yell at Tonto not to go to town. If you ever listened to the Lone Ranger on a radio under the covers with a flashlight, you would know Tonto always got beaten up when he went to town. You'd think he would have learned. I have been to town and didn't learn either.

Anyway for lack of something profound to say, there's that picture. Those three moose laid down just outside our office windows a couple of weeks ago. With the deep snow in the high country there are a lot of them around this year. (Photo by co-worker Pamela Dunlap-Shohl)

And as the saying goes, watch this space! (It might be two weeks) I have finally figured out what the Mayans said would end in 2012 and it's not so bad. But I might buy one of those Walmart survival packs just in case.

6,000 and almost 10,000 in another category. Who would have thought?

1 comment:

  1. Too quiet?

    AS long as it stays that way until next Monday, been a long and tiring week and I need a rest. Hopefully my wife will leave me alone, when I usually get this way she comes up with some huge project that has to be done.
