
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

If this is May, it must be Alaska

Snow in the weather forecast keeps getting pushed back a day or two, and predicted in lesser amounts and at higher elevations.  If the trend continues for another two weeks or so it might never show up.  There have been May snowfalls, one with flakes so big they looked like pillows, but the longer it goes, the less chance for it to happen.  Difficult to believe it could be threatening out there someplace given it is above 50 degrees here at local noon with sun shining out of a clear sky onto the garden and the growing plants in the windows.

On the old commuter trail yesterday, two Canada geese walked the road side in the same place they have been for the past five or six springs.  The pond for swans was empty for the third year after that fellow shot them on another lake. Unpleasant. For humor, a car passed me weaving a little and when it pulled ahead a bumper sticker became visible with the words "Hang up: and one of the those circles with a line through it over the image of a cell phone.  The silhouette of the person in the driver's seat showed he obviously had a cell phone to his ear.  Do as I say, I guess, not as I do.

Endured the guilt of going to a job interview on May Day after intending to go Occupy that day in the Town Square Park.  I hauled along different clothes so I could change out of my suit before I stepped out to get my fair share of abuse but in driving by I saw only a dozen or so people and small cadres of police standing around.  It just didn't seem worth the effort plus it was cold and windy all of which seemed like enough of an excuse and I trucked on home.

In an email received another prop about writing and that almost made up for the agonizing issues earlier plus it sent me back to work today and gave up two good hours of progress.  I only need a few more to finish this and then descend once more into the depths of the major project, one I feel can be sustained much easier than this one.

Meanwhile the yard looks a little better every day as a bit more progress is made.

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