
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Almost-summer doldrums

A single rose grows in the brush pile.
Lilac just about ready to pop.
Watching the garden this year, something didn't seem right.  Since I planted everything outside it seemed like very little changed.  It was like all growth stopped. There of course is the perspective comparison effect, but nothing seemed any bigger than it was when they went out in the first place.

A sigh of relief yesterday.  I am not the only one.  This valley where I live is famous for its farming, and the newspaper yesterday had an article saying all the farmers are seeing the same thing, no growth.  Much more serious for them, as that's their income.  Mine are just a few ornamental flowers.

Oriental lilly about to bloom.
The article put the blame on weather.  After an unusually warm April, May was cooler than normal and it slowed most of the plant growth on the farms and in the garden.  Green Day was just about average but for most of the month temperatures were more in the 40s and 50s, rather than in the 50s and 60s.  As a result not much grew.  So far in June it has been overcast, rainy and cool as well.  Until today.  In defiance of the forecast, the sun came out today. Here's hoping it sticks around for a while and things warm up to good growing temperatures.

In the meantime the wild roses have bloomed all over the property and a few plants in the garden are showing signs of life.  Some of the pea plants are 18 inches tall now.

Can you see it?
Plus, a sunny day allowed the application of paint to the brush-hauling trailer.  The bare wood needed some protection and I was feeling a little creative so it now has a nice coat of camo to hide from what, I have no idea.

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