
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sunshine came softly through my window today

Oriental lilly grown from a bulb.
Well actually, it didn't, but it did the three days before that.  And look what popped out.  That's an oriental lilly I actually grew myself from a bulb.  Awesome.  The other picture is the lilac in bloom,  fun days with this.

And even those weren't all that popped up.  I saw the Solitary Man today.  That was the first time in a long time.  Mostly I just don't travel in that area at the times I usually saw him, so it's me, not him.  So good to know he is still alive and kicking. He was walking down the hill from town toward the island between the highway lanes where I think he lives.  Nice to know there is some kind of constant in this world.  All health to him.

Lilac, first ever bloom here.

He wasn't the only critter missing from life these days who popped up today either.  I saw the first Steller's jay I have seen since moving to this neighborhood almost eight years ago.  Just caught a glimpse of him in the woods as I passed.  Maybe some peanuts will lure some closer to the house.  The jays were our favorite visitors on the deck at our house in the last town.  Here's an older post about them.

All in all a good day for popping up all around.

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