
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Random thoughts on the shoulders of life

Red salmon move up a roadside stream.
A three-car accident stopped traffic on the Glenn Highway, the only highway north out of Anchorage yesterday right at the height of rush hour.  We all sat there in the hot sun waiting almost two hours before the trucks could clear it and police could finish their investigation.  It recalled something I had seen, a TV commercial in which a beautiful woman caught in the same situation looks ahead and sees a semi tractor trailer with a huge sign on it advertising Magnum ice cream bars.
Moose lunch

In the commercial she climbs over cars until she reaches the truck and persuades the driver to open the trailer and give her an ice cream bar. I chanced to look over at the bag of groceries I had just bought on the way home and what's on top? A box of Magnum ice cream bars.  Hmm.   I pulled it out and leaned out the window and raised the box as high as I could and still see the rearview mirror.  Nothing.  In that heat the ice cream was not going to last long so I had to bring the box back in before I lost it. I guess a tractor trailer full of ice cream with a huge sign is more attractive than my little Jeep and a box of six mini bars.  Maybe size does matter.
Ready to move

Other things on the shoulders of highways:  The house in the picture is on the lot  one downriver from the house that is tipping into the Matanuska River.  The owner has it all raised and blocked up ready to move.  Planning ahead does work.

Then there was that moose in the bull rushes just munching away on lily pads. 

And, a few red salmon have sneaked into the spawning pool right next to the highway between here and town.

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