
Friday, August 16, 2013

Poppies in the wind

Please bear with me.  This is an experiment.  I saw the slight breeze moving the poppy petals around today and made a short video with my iPhone.  What it reminded me of was the movie "American Beauty."  I read somewhere that the director had seen a plastic bag blowing around, playing if you will, in the wind and it inspired the whole movie which revolves somewhat around a boy on the edge who fills his life with video of beauty as he sees it.  This is 34 seconds and iPhone shaky.  Not exactly ready for prime time, but a learning experience.  Now a plot revolving around a lonely old man recalling the loves of his life and seeing their beauty in the flower garden he cultivates.  That sounds like a work in progress as well, though if you read the poem a couple of posts down, it might be further on its way than I thought.   Then again, maybe not.  It's tough to see the new horizon when you are surrounded by tall mountains.  I would love some feedback.

The song is "Elusive Butterfly" by Bob Lind

Waiting in the usual place

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