
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Apple didn't think of everything

I guess you can't expect folks in Cupertino, California, to understand the sub-arctic.

A month ago I bought one of the fancy new iPhones.  I've been able to stifle my tech desires for a few years but now some of the apps don't work on my old phone and the phone's memory was running out of room even for just the music, so it was time.

Rather than dump my old 3G, I shut off all the phone stuff and sort of turned it into an iPod to leave in the car connected to the stereo there.  That worked fine for this past month when it was unseasonably warm, but today when I went out it was 19 degrees.

When I started the car, the stereo started up but then lost the iPhone.  I checked connections, turned it off and on a couple of times but every time I did, it played the first notes and then clicked off.  Finally I checked the phone.

It had a big red warning image on it that read TEMPERATURE.  What got me was it said the iPhone was too hot and I had to let it cool off before using it.  I was pretty sure it wasn't too hot at 19 degrees, but figured temperature had something to do it.  So I stuck it inside my jacket still connected to the stereo.  Within about ten minutes it had warmed up enough and it came on by itself and the music fired up and we were back in business.

Had to laugh though.  For as good as those Apple techs are, it never crossed their mind to warn people that the iPhone wasn't working because it was too cold.  Welcome to Alaska, iPhone.

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