
Saturday, October 19, 2013


Things that race through the mind just in those moments when all you want to do is fall asleep.
So, there was that movie a while ago called "Sharknado" that created quite a stir.  There's supposed to be a sequel in the works but I bet I have a better idea, with a possibility in reality and an Alaska twist.

Here's the set up.  There's a frozen estuary underneath an Alaska glacier.  It was a place ancient sharks went to spawn.  I know most of them are live bearers, so what. This is wild fiction after all.  Ok, so, as the glacier retreats the estuary is exposed to the air and sun and gradually begins to melt.  In the process several adult giant Pleistocene sharks thaw out and begin swimming about sluggishly at first.

There's a fishing village at the entrance to the bay the glacier empties into, often choked with ice as the glacier melted and calved off icebergs.  The fishermen mostly go outside the bay into the ocean, but  on the occasions when the ice clears out of the bay they fish closer to home.

One such fisherman disappears.  A couple of days later half his body washes up on the beach in front of the village.

Leaving out a lot of details  and suspense and encounters with the huge sharks that would have to be worked out, the villagers discover this ancient species of giant sharks in their bay.

All kinds of possibilities here given the truth-stretching anyway.  For example a south coast Alaska village likely would have totems and the image of one of these sharks could be carved on one, but no one until this time knew what it was.

Word travels fast and shark scientists and paleontologists flock to the site.  Several horrible encounters ensue.  Eventually authorities make the decision to place a heavy steel net across the mouth of the bay to contain the sharks before they get out into the big ocean.   Then they go about killing all the sharks in the bay eventually wiping them out.

Once they figure they have killed them all there is general celebration.

In the last scene baby sharks emerge from the mud in the estuary and head for the ocean, swimming easily through the mesh on the steel net at the mouth of the bay,  laying the way for further disaster and many sequels.

Now, about that effort to fall asleep.

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