
Saturday, November 2, 2013

All right, Republicans, now it's personal

There's a central landfill for this borough, but because the borough is so large, there are some transfer stations here and there. You take your trash to one of those satellite stations and put it in huge containers that are trucked to the main one for disposal.

One such transfer station is only about a mile from here and that's where I haul my trash when it fills all the cans.  In addition to the containers on the property a large open field was made available for people to haul brush and trees and stuff cleared from lots. I've taken a couple of trailer loads to that spot.

Now I have a yard full,  all the branches cut off the fallen trees, two huge stumps and the shattered top of a cottonwood.  Looks like about three loads.  But guess what.  You can't deposit your brush there any more. You might have guessed what.  Now guess why.

It seems funds that paid for that brush clearing recycling service came from budgets cut by the Congressional sequester. That's right, the chicken pickin' shitkickers of the tea party zealots cut the fund so a good old boy can't even clear the brush from his land properly any more.

Without the transfer site, I have two huge stumps in the driveway and about a ton of spruce and cottonwood branches that I don't know what to do with. The only logical way I can see of getting rid of is burning.  And for that you need a permit which probably comes from an office that also was cut by the sequester.

It's time. Let's get rid of this minority of idiots who are holding the country hostage so we can go on living the way we have in the past, food for the hungry, medical care for everyone, Social Security that makes our elderly socially secure and we can haul our dead brush someplace acceptable.

I wonder if i could mail one of these stumps to Eric Cantor or Paul Ryan or Ted Cruz postage due, that's if they haven't forced the postal service to shut down before I can get it done.

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