
Friday, November 22, 2013

Another November 22 rolls around

Fifty years ago today. Given that anniversary, there are a lot of reminders just about everywhere you look. The date brings a confusion of memories involving first love, assassination, roses and the Beatles. It's been written about before, about walking up that sidewalk with an armful of flowers only to sit in sadness watching the events unfolding after the death of John Kennedy. 

Today another memory besides the opening of the second Hunger Games movie :Catching Fire," is added as I will spend much of it under anesthesia or coming out of it and hoping for some good drugs to bring home.  Truthfully looking forward to what those drugs will allow into my mind and wondering if I can deal with whatever comes up.  And when it is over I will have a nice little scar added to my Alaska collection. After all, in the words of Jimmy, don't we do it for the stories we can tell?

1 comment:

  1. Heard on NPR today that also on November 22, 1963 Aldous Huxley and CS Lewis died. I must have learned and forgotten that at some point. P. Kreeft wrote a book called Between Heaven and Hell about the dialogue between the three of them in purgatory. Just added it to my Amazon list. Interesting concept. Hope your surgery went well.
