
Thursday, November 28, 2013


Having lived alone much of my adult life, it really doesn't bother me much to be alone on a day like Thanksgiving, although it did hit me this week that I can't remember the last time I shared Thanksgiving dinner on the actual day with another human being. 

For one thing, I think it makes me thankful for some of the more basic aspects in life.  For instance I am thankful at least one store in Alaska carries small turkeys.  Think I am kidding? Try to find one weighing less than 10 pounds.  This store had several and I found one that was 7.75 pounds. That will leave just enough leftovers but not so much I will get tired of them.

I am thankful for the winter birds at the feeders who consistently entertain me (and to a certain extent, I hope, blog readers) through the long Alaska winter. Case in point, the rescue of the Pine grosbeak a couple of days ago.  I posted these pictures just to show the true colors after the poor quality of the one that went up with the rescue story.

After the poor color quality in the photo the other day, here
is a male and female on the feeder enjoying Thanksgiving.
I am thankful for this little puppy sleeping next to me, at least when he's not chewing on my blankets or my hands. He is rapidly becoming the companion I had hoped he would be. And I am thankful for this roof over our heads.

In a broader sense I am thankful for the few friends and family members I stay in touch with, people whom I see infrequently but enjoy when we are together or even just chatting on line. In particular this year, I have been chatting regularly with someone who shares a broad interest in music and we enjoy each other's through posting youtube videos while chatting.

And speaking of internet things I am thankful for those who read this blog. I came across a graph the other day that shows readership, at least page hits, has gone from almost nothing when I started in 2008 gaining gradually to more than 3,000 a month these days. That is enough to encourage me to write more often and better.

Today I am thankful I can plan my dinner around football games rather than argue with someone about which interrupts which.

I am thankful, too, for the nurse practitioner who discovered the blockage in my cartoid artery or I might not be here at all.

Out there too, we still have a pretty good country to live in despite the screaming politics of the day.

So, reflecting, watching football and birds,  and contemplating the snowy scene out the window backed by a high mountain, I am most thankful that there is an Alaska where I have been able to find my place in the general scheme of things.

And then too, there is single malt scotch, hot women, cold turkey sandwiches, heavy guitar riffs, two pretty neat kids, and the blessing of a shining sun.

Tonight I look forward to seeing Lady Gaga and the Muppets thanksgiving special.  That should provide the a topping to the day to be thankful about also.

Peace everyone, and may your lives be as filled with at least as many things to be thankful for as mine is.

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