
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Affordable health care by any other name is still Obamacare

A couple of years ago I used Obamacare in a headline. The editor of the paper rejected that saying the term was derogatory. I didn't think so or at least I didn't want it to be; that certainly wasn't how I meant it, but at the time I had to admit he was probably right and it wasn't worth fighting over.

Here we are a few years later and the term is used by friends and foes alike. Pretty much the term for affordable health care is Obamacare.

Now, here's the irony. The term began as derogatory by the tea baggers and Republicans who vowed to stop anything Obama stood for. But these days Obamacare is the general word for it, used by proponents and opponents alike. As the initial difficulties are ironed out, more and more people gain health insurance and enjoy the benefits of the Affordable Care Act, it will most likely go into history and forever be known favorably as Obamacare, an eternal slap in the faces of these people who blindly oppose it and who likely will not be remembered at all.

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