
Monday, May 12, 2014

Stomping feet and demanding less

There's an opening line in a television commercial going around these days where the announcer says: "Nobody ever stomped his foot and demanded less."  It went on to demonstrate how people want more and bigger.  The commercial was for some electronics service provider bragging that its plans provided more service for less money than anyone else's.

But the never-demanding-less thought hung around for a while. Thinking back I don’t recall stomping my feet but I surely remember looking at the small cup of soda I bought at a movie theater for about $10.  It was about three sizes bigger than anything I wanted. And you have to wonder if that's the kids' size and then not wonder why we have an obesity problem. NO! I don't want that much. Looking at that monstrosity you begin to realize the New York mayor who tried to ban super-sized drinks wasn't so crazy after all.

Recently I went through a fast food drive-by and ordered a sandwich and a drink.  "You can get two for the price of one if you buy the meal," the buzzy voice said through the remote speaker.
"I don't want two, I don't want the meal, I want one sandwich."

"All right." the voice came back, the tone expressing disbelief that I would not take such a deal.  "I don't want that much." He had that same tone in his voice when I told him I didn't want the sauce either.

And, of course there's the old standard "would you like fries with that?" NO! You want to say, "I ordered a hamburger and a drink, do you think I don't know you sell fries?"

You order a breakfast omelet and learn it comes with a stack of pancakes as the weekly special. Besides being more than you can eat, it probably doubles the cholesterol intake. "No, thanks. I don't want the pancakes."  "But sir, they come with the meal." "I don't want them."  "But, sir."

"See that homeless guy out on the sidewalk, give them to him."

What's the line? "No! I don't want that much," coming very close to stomping my feet and demanding less. Despite all my protests, he served a stack of pancakes. But maybe the next time that happens I will take those pancakes and then put them into a doggy container and give the pancakes with a very liberal portion of  syrup to the homeless guy myself. It has to be better than leaving them on the table like I did.

The point is, yes, there are times people demand or at least wish they were receiving less, despite what some advertising guy thinks. Given that he was hawking phones, there are even times I wish my smart phone wasn't able to do so much.  I have never finished a "small" cup of soda at a movie and so far I have avoided talking to Siri. Without the histrionics of stomping my feet, yes, I am pretty sure the announcer is wrong; I think many of us might demand less if we thought it did would do any good.

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