
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Oh, yeah there's a garden going on, too

Haven't posted much about the garden this year.  Like every other year, it's full of surprises and new stuff and things I didn't expect.  Here are just a few examples:
Flower end of the garden has poppies and assorted bright flowers plus pansies and petunias and rocks, lots of rocks. All those bright flowers in the foreground grew in an area where I spread one of those bags of  wildflower seeds last year.

Lettuce and potatoes with a lillie in foreground. Already
harvested some of those vegetables.

Two pots of pansies and petunias.

Potatoes pretty much took over one end of the garden. Not a good year for tomatoes which should be tall in the background. Skinny green things in front are onions.

Here's that woodpecker on the tree. It's
a hairy identified by size and the red spot
on its head. 
We had a very hot May and I read birds needed water in that
situation, so I invented a bird bath. This is the first one I have
seen using it. Hairy woodpecker.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Such a beautiful Garden! We tried growing some vegetables but so far out of the 5 things that we planted only 1 thing grew!
