
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Once again, much ado about nothing

The talking heads this morning are all over the issue of President Obama going to Texas but not going to the border with Mexico where a steady flow of Central  American children has been passing into the United States.

There's very little reporting about the problem itself and potential ways to deal with the children if not solve the basic issue. What difference does it make when so many federal and state agencies are doing what they can to address it, if the president shows up on the border anyway? Does that do one single thing to solve the problem?

The Barbie newscasters are gathering panel after panel of supposed experts (many are the same old jerks they haul out to discuss every other situation that comes up) to beat the subject to death, a subject that has no bearing on anything at all except television ratings that apparently rise when they criticize the president.

You know damn well, the minute he stepped out of that helicopter next to the Rio Grande River, the people criticizing him for not going would be shouting that he's using a serious situation to create a photo opportunity -- grandstanding for his own political gain.

Sometimes you have to admire how strong the president really is, just to get up in the morning and face this crap day after day after day.

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